2023’s Must-Drop Habits: Clearing the Clutter for Better Life

As I always say, Time never stops for anyone. Time just passes by at its own pace. Just like that, 2023 is about to end. And the new year is about to start.

How was your experience this year, 2023? Did you enjoy it? Did you make money? Did you learn new skills? Did you spend time with your loved ones? Most important Did you spend time with yourself?

I would be happy if the answer was yes. However, if the answer is no, then don’t worry.

Life is all about ups and downs. We cannot predict the situation. We can just try our best.

 So, this upcoming year is going to be the year you have been waiting for for so many years.

 Only if you quit these habits.

Not Exercising : 

Everyone is busy with their work and day-to-day lives. But you need to understand that you will be able to do better work only if you are healthy. Health must be the first priority for everyone. And for a healthy life, exercise is the most important.

Sit for long periods: 

After the pandemic, So many people start their work from home. And working from home brought chaos to life. At first, people did not know how to manage their private and personal lives.

Even though people know this, they are still not able to do so because of work pressure and have to do so much work on computers. Which increases their sitting period.

If someone is exercising, then it is okay. But if someone is not exercising and continues to sit for a long period, then it is an invitation to back pain, neck pain, and muscle weakness.

You must take breaks if you have to do long-sitting work. Quit this habit in 2023.

Eating poorly:

Exercise and taking breaks are important. But doing exercise without paying attention to what you are eating is going to be problematic for you. Nutrition is the most important factor in life. You must have the meal, which includes all the proteins, vitamins, minerals, calcium, and others. Eating poorly is going to affect your health. Quit this habit in 2023.

Overthinking : 

Talking about overthinking I don’t know where to start or when to stop because there is no full stop. However, by practicing mindfulness, doing exercise, and trying to live in the present, you can train your mind to reduce overthinking. There are many drawbacks to overthinking, and that is why you have to stop overthinking.

You can read the Drawbacks of Overthinking in this Blog.


Too much screen time: 

On an average, individuals dedicate more than 6 hours daily to using internet-connected screens. An increase in screen time affects your sleep, your eyes, obesity, and many more things. We all know this, but we still do not do anything about it. Quit this habit.

Try to tell your mind.

“I have to control Mobile and Laptop. Mobile and Laptop should not have control on me.”

Neglecting Yourself: 

When you do work for others, they benefit from it. But what happens when you feel like stopping and taking a break? You do not take a break. What do you do? You neglect yourself. And who is going to benefit from it? And are you getting anything from doing this?

You know what you do at that time. You neglect your body, which is screaming and telling you- “Stop. I am tired.” Your mind is saying -“STOP. I need some fresh air.” You do not listen to both of them. You just continued your work.

The moment you realize that your body never lies and now your body needs medication only, you will try to relax, but at that time, it will be too late. Because now your body and mind are exhausted and have no energy.

 Look. what I am telling you: why take your body and mind to the extent where you need to take medication for it? If you take breaks in between, you will be fine.

Your body takes much more time than you think for recovery. Precaution is better than cure. It is better to give it time when it is needed than to give it time for recovery. Because no one knows what exact time an individual needs for recovery. It is different from person to person.


Procrastination is the big issue these days. Procrastination has a lot of bad effects, like increased stress, poor performance, missed opportunities, reduced productivity, financial consequences, and strained relationships.

Don’t you think that it is better to quit this habit than deal with these many problems?

Final Thoughts.

Many of us have spent this year happily. Many of us have faced so many problems, like health issues, financial issues, and many more. But the upcoming year is in our hands. Look inside you. See how you spent this year. See what you need to change. And take it as a challenge. Because it’s only you who can change the things in your life. No other person is going to do that for you. I only provided this list of bad habits that you need to quit in 2023. I will be happy if this list helps you.

Signing off here

Till then

Be Healthy. Be Happy.

Healthy You. Happy You.

Happy You Happy Life.

Aanandi Jeevan.

14 thoughts on “2023’s Must-Drop Habits: Clearing the Clutter for Better Life”

  1. I totally agree that since pandemic, the work from home culture definitely increased the sitting period for many individuals. But like you suggested, exercising regularly would be the ideal thing to do in maintaining our fitness. Awesome read!

  2. 2023 has been an extremely challenging year for me but this post is a great reminder of the importance of prioritizing self care in 2024!

    1. Many people have this habit. However thare are ways to stop overthinking. You can try. You will have great year 2024.

  3. Going into the new year has me really evaluating my life, these are great points to remember for goal setting!

  4. Pingback: World Sleep Day 2024: Spread Importance of Sleep | AanandiJeevan

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