Unveiling the hazard of overthinking.

Do you think continuously? So many people must have asked this question to you. I want to ask one more question, What do you achieve from thinking continuously or (asking directly) from overthinking? Honestly, the answer is in the question only.


Do you think continuously?

Continuously thinking about something, thinking again and again on something imaginary or taking stress of something by thinking about it again and again, ruminating it in your mind is dangerous for you.

Let’s see what hazard  overthinking does to us.

1. Don’t get direction

When you think a lot about a question or a problem or you’re thinking about a situation where you do not get a solution immediately. At times like this, you feel like you are lost. You don’t have a direction.

 At times like this, it is important to think about the solution but only thinking and not doing anything is not going to help you.

2. 10% of life

John Maxwell who is the author of many self-improvement books says that our life is only 10% of things that happen to us and the remaining 90% is how we face those situations and problems.

This means how we take action and how we face problems does define our lives.

So if we control that 90% then our life will become the most beautiful.

3. Respond or react?

Welcome to the world if you know that things don’t always happen the way you want them to happen. 

There are always ups and downs; something goes on just like you want however some things don’t go like that.

Reaction is the quick action to something.

For example if someone said something to you and then you gave reply to it immediately withouth thinking. So what you did here, you gave your reaction to the stimulus without evaluating the action.

What people do is they complain, they blame time or other people, and so on and so on.

This is called a reaction.

Congratulations now you know what reaction is because if you are reacting to something then you are giving remote control of your life to other hands. 

Now the question is how to respond. Always remember one thing, you always have a way of coming out from situations, and problems.

We all know that life is a cycle. Nothing is permanent here. Every day is different. You must face situations; you will get some good news someday. Still, we react so easily to every situation and problem. If you change your way of looking at problems and have the ability to come up with the solution that will take you out of the problems then you will get many opportunities even in the problematic situations.

4. What are you going to achieve?

Let’s take an example

Suppose I like traveling and I am thinking about going somewhere. After some days I decided to go somewhere. I made a plan about shopping and booking tickets and all. After some days I realized that if I went there at that time then it was going to be too cold. 

Now I started to hesitate 

Should I go there, how am I going to manage things in that cold weather now? I won’t be able to get a chance like this again but will I be able to manage things?

After thinking a lot I stopped my packing.

What did I do? I only did over-thinking. The meaning of this is I have now given the remote of My Life My traveling plans to the weather. 

Let’s see what would have happened if I would still go on the trip.

At first, I must have been nervous. After some time I would have adapted there. I would have got to talk with a lot of people. I would have got to understand their culture. I would have got to visit so many tourist places over there. I would have understood how those people conquered with cold weather. Just like this, I would have enjoyed my trip.

But things didn’t happen because of my overthinking.

The conclusion is that you are not going to achieve anything if you keep on thinking without doing anything.

5. Working is important

There is only one way to stop overthinking which is to leave in the present moment. If you are thinking about a problem, try taking actions related to solutions. Worrying about something, overthinking about something, doubtful about something, if you are just thinking about these things then your life will stop and you won’t be able to move on.

However, if you want to achieve goals then don’t just sit, do something. take actions, take a step toward it. 


Now we understand that overthinking doesn’t solve problems. It may increase problems. To stop overthinking we must try to live in the present moment. Taking action will going to help because you will get the result only after you take action. And it is better than overthinking and doing nothing.

Signing off here

Till then 

Be Happy Be Healthy

Healthy You Happy You 

Happy You Happy Life

Aanandi Jeevan.

See more posts in my blog’s section.


10 thoughts on “Unveiling the hazard of overthinking.”

  1. Being an introvert and an overthinker, I can definitely relate to your post. It’s still a work in progress though… And I can’t help but agree with you: overthinking won’t help us achieve what we want.
    Great post, thanks for sharing!

  2. Great post! I tend to be an overthinker. When I catch myself overthinking, I make myself productive by either working out or cleaning. With littles around, there’s always something to do to keep me out of my head.

    1. Thank you so much. Yeah cleaning is also a good option for stopping overthinking. I try to distract myself by trying to learn something new which helps me in focusing that new thing and live in present moment.

  3. I can’t help but overthink. Gladly, I’m realizing it’s keeping me on a standby mode reason why I will try to be more carefree and enjoy things in life while being cautious.

    1. Yeah Doing is much better than only thinking and not doing anything. Enjoying every moment will bring you in present which will eventually help you to move on and stop overthinking.

  4. I do overthink, and I’m not good at handling difficult situations. These tips are just what I need to work on. Especially as I tackle many responsibilities in my personal life.

    1. I am glad you find this tips useful. Working on overthinking can be challenging But it is not impossible. Thank you so much for visiting:)

  5. Pingback: 2023’s Must-Drop Habits: Clearing the Clutter for Better Life

  6. I tend to spend long hours thinking of what I can change, it’s not pointless thinking… it’s making plans As, Bs, Cs, and the backup for all those plans, which I tend to follow through.

    But if it’s something I can’t change….. I just don’t bother.

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