Last month I applied for one course. And after applying I attended an orientation webinar. At that time I found out that the timings of the class were going to be 6:30 in the morning.
I got worried because I am a night owl. “How I am going to attend these classes?” I started thinking. But then my teacher told us some rules;
first: we will be getting recordings for practice only for 24 hours.
Second: I must complete all the assignments only then I would get a certificate and many more rules like this.
After listening to the rules I got stressed because never in my life I woke up before 8 in the morning. Then the thought came that there was no option for this now. Fees have been paid. I have to get up early.
First day: The alarm went off. I snoozed. When the alarm went off a second time I woke up with a jolt. I thought that I missed the class on my first day. I was a bit late but thankfully I didn’t miss the class.
In the beginning, everything was going well but in the end, I started feeling dizzy just because I slept late the night before that day.
My mom and Dad told me not to use my mobile before going to bed. That will help me sleep early. Habits don’t change overnight. But still, I tried to do things as my parents were telling me.
Second day: the same thing happened with the alarm. But I was able to attend the class. The difference was that I was not feeling dizzy in the end. Because I was focused.
On the first day, I missed the last part of the class and it was hard for me to understand it later. That’s why I was focused.

Why it is a mission for some people to wake up early?
I started wondering why it is a mission for some people to wake up early. And I found out:
For waking up early it is really important to get a proper quality sleep. And what is the main reason that we are not able to get up early is sleep. What is disrupting sleep?
Our lifestyle, what WE are eating, our social life, our screen time.
Also some reasons like age, sleep disorders, exercising late, drinking caffeine, and mental health conditions.
A sedentary lifestyle may affect sleep quality. People who have sedentary lifestyles must do light physical exercise for better health. Sleep disorders like anxiety and stress don’t support waking up early.
People who love coffee but don’t get proper sleep should stop having coffee. There are many articles and research that say that having coffee before going to bed is not good if you don’t have a good sleep quality.
Coffee disrupts sleep even if you consume it 3 to 6 hours before going to bed.
We all know that mobile screen emits blue light which affects the production of melatonin. Reduced melatonin levels are directly associated with sleep disorders and longer sleep duration.
If we don’t get proper sleep we won’t feel like waking up early and the whole day will go in tiredness.
Tricks to wake up early:
Even though I am not an early bird I had to wake up early. That’s why I started looking for tricks How to wake up early? Here is what I found:
- You must have the motivation for waking up early
- Use natural light for waking up. Don’t put curtains on your window so that you will be able to wake up by using natural light.
- Pay attention to what you are eating. What you are eating and when you are eating before going to bed is important.
- Keep you room tidy, clean and calm which will help you sleep, which will help you wake up early and feel fresh.
- Keep your phone away before going to bed. It will help in limiting your screentime and will also help in maintaining melatonin production.
- If you are not an early bird you will definitely need an alarm. Select the best alarm sound you think or which you love.
- Go to bed earlier gradually
- Do some exercise.
- Avoid Caffeine.
- Read the book before going to bed.
What was My Experience?
To change my lifestyle, I started by making small adjustments to my schedule. I took it one day at a time. For example, I stopped using my cell phone after 9 p.m. and strictly followed the rules. But I still couldn’t sleep.
So, I decided to start reading books before I went to bed. One of the books I read was called 5 AM Club. By Robin Sherma.
The book helped me to keep my phone away from me. It helped me to feel sleepy within 30 minutes of starting the book.
Now I am paying more attention to my food and doing light exercise. This has been going on for 30 days now and I think it’s been 30 days from the time I started my course.
Waking up early in the morning is a very amazing experience because everyone else is still sleeping. With my course over, I have a lot of time to myself. Doing things like exercising, meditating, reading a newspaper, just relaxing, etc.
This one-month course has taught me a lot of things. I will definitely stick to this schedule.
Signing Off Here
Be Happy Be Healthy
Healthy You, Happy You.
Happy You Happy Life
Aanandi Jeevan.
This is so interesting! I’ll have to look more into coffee.
Sure. Thank you so much.
Sharing this with my boyfriend ASAP!
Haha. Sure. Tell me what he says. Thank you so much for visiting.