challenges faced when i get back into gym after 6 months

Getting back into the gym after a six-month break can be a bit daunting, but with the right approach, it’s entirely doable. I recently found myself in this exact situation. Here’s how I navigated my first week back, focusing on easing into a routine without overexerting myself.

To kick things off, I decided to focus on my core, legs, chest, back and hands. After six months away, I knew my core muscles had probably weakened, and improving my cardiovascular fitness would help build overall stamina.

On my first day,

I started with a warm-up. Jumps, jumping jags, hand warm-up, neck rotation, leg rotation.

After that, I started with Core exercises.

Core Exercises:

  • Leg Raise / Hanging leg raise: 
  • Toe touch
  • Deadbug
  • Plank
  • Squats.
  • Cardio

The workout is not complete if you are not doing stretches. After doing these exercises I did stretches and some mobility exercises.

Then on Day 2

The next day, I shifted my focus to the upper body. 

I always start with a warm-up. Second day I did 

  • Chest: 1 variation (push-ups)
  • Back: 1 variation (face pull)
  • Lower back: 1 variation (bent over)
  • Hands: 2 variations (biceps,triceps)
  • Forearms

Alternating Days

For the rest of the week, I alternated between the core and legs, the cardio routine from Day 1, and the upper body routine from Day 2. I started with this routine so that my body would not get many surprises.

Hardships Faced During the First Week Back

Returning to the gym after a six-month hiatus wasn’t all smooth sailing. I encountered several challenges that tested my determination and patience:

Physical Soreness

The first and most immediate hardship was the physical soreness. Getting out of bed the next morning felt like enormous chores.The soreness was a constant reminder of how much strength and endurance I had lost, and it was tempting to skip workouts to avoid the discomfort.

Fatigue and Low Energy Levels

Fatigue was another major obstacle. I felt more tired than energized after each session because my body wasn’t used to the physical strain. My daily routine suffered, and there were times when I wondered if I could go on. It was a juggling act to fit in workouts with work and personal obligations, and I frequently felt exhausted.

Mental Hurdles

The revelation that I could no longer lift as much weight as I once could was difficult for me mentally. It was depressing to compare my current fitness level to my prior levels. Doubts about my ability to return to where I was started to creep in.

Time Management

Another challenge was finding time in my schedule for workouts. The pace of life had increased, and setting out an hour for the gym seemed like a luxury. In order to make sure I could maintain my habit, I had to rearrange my priorities. This frequently required giving up some free time or rising earlier.

Nutrition Adjustments

It was difficult to modify my diet to help me get back into shape. I needed to make sure I was giving my body the correct kind of nourishment by choosing foods with greater awareness. Planning was necessary for this, as was occasionally having to turn down quick but unhealthy food options. It took some getting used to juggling my workouts and healthy diet.

Reflections on the First Week

Despite the challenges, I reminded myself that every small step counted. By the end of the week, I felt a sense of accomplishment and noticed a slight improvement in my strength and stamina. It was a reminder that fitness is a journey, and every part of it is worth it.

If you’re coming back to the gym after a long break, remember to be kind to yourself. Start slow, listen to your body, and celebrate the little victories along the way. Here’s to many more workouts and the road to a healthier, stronger you!

Thank you for visiting this blog.

Signing off here.

Till then.

Be healthy Be happy

Healthy You Happy you

Happy You Happy Life

Aanandi Jeevan.


  1. I’m already struggling after only a week’s break, so I can only imagine after 6 months. I love your honesty and training tips. Thanks for sharing!

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